Galax Public Library
Third Tuesday of every month, noon to 2pm. Mobile Marketplace, your grocery store on wheels, is open to EVERYONE. You do not have to sign-up and there are no eligibility guidelines. Simply show up and shop for pantry staples and…
This group is open to adults who wish to discuss and improve their writing skills in a lighthearted and enjoyable environment. No registration is required. FREE
Bring your materials and create in the company of other fiber artists. You do not need to know how to knit or crochet to participate! All skill levels of all yarn crafts are welcome. This is a FREE event! Every…
This is a new program for tweens and teens, ages 10-17. Join us at the library for an afternoon of self-guided, independent crafting. You bring the creativity, we provide the supplies (yarn, beads, felt, etc)! Begin a new project or…

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